About ME

“I am two women: one wants to have all the joy, passion and adventure that life can give me. The other wants to be a slave to routine, to family life, to the things that can be planned and achieved. I’m a house wife and a prostitute, both of us, living in the same body and doing a battle with each other every single day.” Paulo Coelho “Eleven minutes”

In my opinion nearly every blogger, by starting a blog, desires to share their life, opinions, knowledge and interests with the selected audience, so in essence its all “about ME” by definition. How come then, it is so difficult to find right words to describe myself. I ll give it a go.

My name is Elena, I was born and raised in Riga by Russian mother and Latvian dad. At the age of 18 I went to Denmark, which initially was to be a half year stay in order to get an international perspective and improve my English, while studying Journalism in the Latvian University. Somehow, my stay extended to almost 12 years. I do not know where did the years go, but I did manage to get an international perspective, fairly well mastered English, managed additionally to learn Danish, got couple of university degrees, some work experience, tried to understand what is it I want to do, granted myself Danish citizenship, felt in love with fashion and numerous shoes and bags, appreciated aesthetics of the Scandinavian design and its unusual fashion, beautified home spaces, organized events, took pictures, was brunette and settled for blond, traveled most of Europe and some other places in USA, Asia and Middle East, lived for a bit in France and Russia, made friends, grew apart from some, discovered amazing food and wines, partied, loved, looked for happiness, learned things about life, love, myself and others, while constantly complained about how me and Denmark do not match. Luckily, I discovered and felt in love with Dubai and left Denmark, country that gave me so much and to which I will be forever thankful, but as they say, if you are not meant to be, then it is better to let it go and go your own way. That is exactly what I did and it was so very worth it!

Today I live in Dubai and while my life is far from settled just yet, there is this wonderful feeling of being incredibly happy and being HOME. Every time when I step out of Dubai airport, getting into the cab and going towards home, watching always rushing traffic on Sheikh Zayed road passing in front of my eyes, I say to myself once again, this is home and this is ME – living my dream. How lucky am I…

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